by Aaron Abadi | Mar 25, 2025 | Pesach Laws
The custom of avoiding Kitniyot during Pesach developed among Ashkenazi Jews, most famously codified by the Rama (Rabbi Moshe Isserles of Krakow, 16th century). The reason behind the custom was to avoid confusion between grains that can become chametz (like wheat,...
by Aaron Abadi | Mar 19, 2025 | Pesach Laws
Ashkenazim with any food-related health issues should not be keeping the Kitniyot Minhag on Pesach. Health is a Torah obligation, and that takes precedence over a Minhag. If you have an established eating routine, altering it for Pesach can be harmful. This is...
by Sarah Jemal | Mar 4, 2025 | Pesach Laws
Hi Rabbi, to understand correctly- can a Passover ingredient be opened and used prior to the holiday ? (Ie- gluten free panko, or chocolate syrup)
by yaacov wolf | Mar 24, 2022 | Pesach Laws
What species or products fall under the ashkenazic minhag of not eating kitniyot on pesach?
by | Mar 30, 2021 | Pesach Laws
Hi, I was looking through the list and am curious to know how chocolate oat milk from trader joe’s as well as a couple other products like the bob’s red mill granola the trader joe’s gluten free bread which contains yeast is kosher for passover. Oats...
by | Mar 25, 2021 | Pesach Laws
Are you allowed to use bycicles, skateboards, scooters etc. On pesach