treif keilim
Despite stam keilim being eino Ben yomo, why are we not required to use kashered cookwear when dining out? Similarly, if I rent an airbnb that comes with cookwear, do…
Despite stam keilim being eino Ben yomo, why are we not required to use kashered cookwear when dining out? Similarly, if I rent an airbnb that comes with cookwear, do…
If I wanted to keep glatt kosher, how would I go about doing it? My understanding is that “glatt” is just a marketing term and doesn’t actually mean anything when…
Is it permissible to drink beer in a nonjewish owned bar or resturaunt?
Wikipedia says that glycerin has a sweet taste. If glycerin is an ingredient, do you have to assertain that it’s from a vegetarian source?
Is there any reason to avoid buying coffee from a resturaunt or cafe that serves chametz on Pesach? Wouldn’t any unwanted stuff that goes in the coffee be nosein tam…
Do I need special keilim for store bought dog food that contains chicken/lamb/beef/seafood? Can I wash dishes that have dog food stuck to them with kosher dishes?
In general, how do you go about removing bugs from raspberries and blackberries? In specific, Driscoll’s berries seem to be pretty clean; do they need to be checked?
How does one go about having their dog neutered? Do you sell him to the vet, or receptionist, or what? and how is that accomplished?
I usually drink black coffee, but I find coffee from the kuerig (or instant) to be unpalatable without milk and sugar free flavoring syrup. The kuerig (or instant) is much…
What requires going to sheimos /geniza. Can I just burry it in the yard?
These chocolates have milk listed in the ingredients. Must one wait after eating meat to have them?
Kosher? In general, is alcohol a potentially problematic ingredient?
You’ve addressed this in the past, but I couldn’t find the post. Why are “enzymes” in cheese ingredients not an issue?
Just before pesach, I noticed that king Arthur bread flour has malted barley in it, so I threw out a whole package of it. For next year, could I have…
If one of the 5 species of grain (or it’s a majority kitniyot species) is listed in the ingredients, but water is not one of the ingredients in a product,…
Can I keep cookies or cakes if I know that when I made them, they were never left to sit unworked for 18 minutes between adding water and I putting…
Is wheat grains or flour wetted in the storage process to prevent fires? Is the amount of water used more than just a sprinkle?
Is erythritol k for p for baking with and using as a sweetener?
What species or products fall under the ashkenazic minhag of not eating kitniyot on pesach?