Tillamook – Ice Cream

Is Tillamook Old-Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream kosher? Ingredients: Cream, skim milk, sugar, pasteurized egg yolks, vanilla extract, tara gum, guar gum, vanilla bean, natural flavor. Does ice cream typically need a hashgacha? The ingredients usually seem...

Kashering Glass

  Is there a way to kasher glass containers that were previously used for hot, non-kosher food?  If I cannot kasher them, would I at least be able to use them for cold kosher food?  

Wegmans Fruit Spreads

    Are Wegmans Fruit Spreads kosher? They used to be certified, but I don’t see the hashgacha anymore. (They are still certified vegan, lactose-free, and gluten-free.) The ingredients are always Sugar, Fruit (varies by flavor—never grape), Lemon Juice...