Ashkenazim with any food-related health issues should not be keeping the Kitniyot Minhag on Pesach. Health is a Torah obligation, and that takes precedence over a Minhag.

If you have an established eating routine, altering it for Pesach can be harmful. This is especially true for those with dietary sensitivities, medical conditions, or specific nutritional needs. Your health is not secondary to a Minhag.

🔹 For parents: Do not change your baby’s diet because of Kitniyot. If your child eats rice, oatmeal, or other Kitniyot foods, keep their diet exactly the same as before Pesach. Young children do not need to worry about this Minhag, and disrupting their nutrition can be harmful.

This is not a leniency—this is Halacha. Pikuach Nefesh (preserving health) always comes first.