by Yaakov Siegel | Jun 23, 2020 | Prayers & Blessings
I often have a cup of coffee at the end of my meal, as a sort of dessert. Should a brachah be said on it?
by Jack plast | May 1, 2020 | Prayers & Blessings
Should we pray in a porch minyan as shuls are closed due to covid
by Joey Tawil | Apr 8, 2020 | Prayers & Blessings
What is the Beracha on these items? No Flour. 1. Regular: INGREDIENTS Organic Sprouted Wheat, Filtered Water, Organic Sprouted Barley, Organic Sprouted Millet, Organic Malted Barley, Organic Sprouted Lentils, Organic Sprouted Soybeans, Organic Sprouted Spelt,...