Maarit Ayin

Someone asked me recently… “why is it not Maarit Ayin to eat out kosher food in a non-kosher restaurant?”

Waiting six hours after meat to eat dairy products

The following question was asked, and I believe it is an important topic to address. Question: How long do I need to wait between eating meat and dairy? I’ve heard that waiting is just a minhag, and historically, some simply rinsed their mouths. My parents mentioned...

Halachah vs. Kaballah

Someone asked me the following: How should I balance Halacha and Kabbalah, especially when they contradict? Does G-d want me to keep Kabbalah? Is it on the same level as Halacha? Also, if Kabbalah is really true, then why isn’t it obligatory like Halacha? I’ve been...

Celebrating Thanksgiving

It is well known that Rav Moshe Feinstein was not keen on Jews celebrating Thanksgiving in America. I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, but growing up, Rav Moshe Feinstein was universally recognized as the Gadol Hador. Yet, it was widely understood that Rav Moshe spoke...