What’s the shortest I can have my Peyot? What’s the shortest number I can tell my barber to cut? Since he’s using an electric shaver, does it even need to be a number, or can he just use the electric shaver with no guard when cutting my Peyot?
This would be OK. Forgive me, but I didn’t yet figure out how to put a photo in the response, AA >>>>
According to the Rambam (Maimonides), the minimum requirement for peyot is to leave at least four hairs at the corner near the top of the ear. This means that technically, as long as there are at least four hairs remaining in that area, the halachic obligation is fulfilled. The length of those hairs are כדי לכוף ראשו לעקרו. Use your judgment.
As long as you are using an electric shaver or trimmer, you can zip it all off till four hairs from the top and/or cut it low that it like a 5-oclock shadow. This would be allowed