K’zayit at Meal

My doctor has ordered me to keep my carbohydrate intake to a minimum. I know that there is a machloket if a k’zayit of bread at the beginning of a meal exempts all food from a brachah, or if one must continue eating bread throughout. What is the helachah? Can I...

Saying Tehillim for the sick

Here is the source for saying Tehillim. I know it is difficult to accept, but it is unfortunately true. The Gemara and Shulchan Aruch say it is not allowed. Rabbi Abadi was very against it. You can study Tehillim. That is different, but saying it to help sick people...

Tisha Be’Av 2022

This year is a NIDCHEH, which means the fast day was postponed.  The actual fast day would have been Shabbat, and we don’t fast on Shabbat, so it was postponed to Sunday. It has the same level of stringency as the other fast days, like Taanit Esther and Tzom...