by Karen Chera | Mar 28, 2022 | Kashering
When you dip silverware into a boiling pot and take it out do I need to run it under cold water after?
by Michael Varon | Mar 16, 2022 | Kashering
Rabbi, We need to buy a new oven and most of the ovens that we are seeing no longer have a ‘traditional’ cleaning cycle where the temperature would rise for around 3 hours. What we are seeing now is called “Steam Clean” which is defined as...
by vicky sultan | Mar 25, 2021 | Kashering, Pesach Products
Ceramic ramekins that I use year round in oven. Can they be kosherEd? If so, how? (I checked the koshering information and this wasn’t clear to me). thank you!
by | Mar 21, 2021 | Kashering
Can Instapots be kashered for Pesach?
by Robert Tam | May 15, 2020 | Kashering
We are looking at a home to buy. The kitchen has a porcelain sink. Possible to kasher? Thank you, Robert
by Nate Locker | Apr 8, 2020 | Kashering
What process is required to kasher a sous vide for Pesach, if any? Does the answer change if it was never used with chametz, and only used for meat, fish, eggs and vegetables?