by yaacov wolf | Apr 10, 2023 | Eating Out
Is there any reason to avoid buying coffee from a resturaunt or cafe that serves chametz on Pesach? Wouldn’t any unwanted stuff that goes in the coffee be nosein tam lifgam?
by yaacov wolf | Jan 29, 2023 | Kashrut
Do I need special keilim for store bought dog food that contains chicken/lamb/beef/seafood? Can I wash dishes that have dog food stuck to them with kosher dishes?
by yaacov wolf | Jan 9, 2023 | Kashrut
In general, how do you go about removing bugs from raspberries and blackberries? In specific, Driscoll’s berries seem to be pretty clean; do they need to be checked?
by yaacov wolf | Nov 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
How does one go about having their dog neutered? Do you sell him to the vet, or receptionist, or what? and how is that accomplished?
by yaacov wolf | Sep 20, 2022 | Prayers & Blessings
I usually drink black coffee, but I find coffee from the kuerig (or instant) to be unpalatable without milk and sugar free flavoring syrup. The kuerig (or instant) is much more convenient to use first thing in the morning than brewing a cup that I would have black....