by Aaron Abadi | Mar 5, 2020 | Eating Out
Face it, we all love hotel breakfast. So, how do we do it right and follow Halachah completely. Let’s start with the breads. Basic Italian and French breads don’t pose a problem. Bagels, pita, English muffins are good. There are sometimes fancier breads that contain...
by Aaron Abadi | Mar 4, 2020 | Eating Out
Ok. So, everyone has been asking about eating at Subway Restaurants, yet still be observing the kashrut laws. It sort of became a signature heter of ours, It’s very simple. Each of us has the ability to ensure that we don’t eat Treif without needing a...
by Sefardi Sefardi | Mar 3, 2020 | Eating Out
Can you provide us with some general guidelines regarding eating at non-kosher restaurants? What kinda of things can we order? For example, vegetable soup, fish, pasta, salad etc. I know this question is vague but perhaps you can provide us with general...
by Sefardi Sefardi | Mar 3, 2020 | Eating Out
Can you provide us with general guidelines on what can be ordered at a non-kosher restaurant? For example, soups, pasta, fish, salads, etc.? I know this is a vague question but general guidelines will help immensely. Not everyone lives in NYC or LA with tons of...
by Jacob Chereskin | Mar 1, 2020 | Eating Out
Rabbi, I’ve heard conflicting accounts of how one can order and consume sushi in a non-kasher restaurant. Could you please clarify how one can do so?