steam cleaning oven

Rabbi, We need to buy a new oven and most of the ovens that we are seeing no longer have a ‘traditional’ cleaning cycle where the temperature would rise for around 3 hours.  What we are seeing now is called “Steam Clean” which is defined as...

Cat Food

We have a much-loved aging house cat, Katie Peepers, that has become even more beloved member of the family in this year of COVID quarantine / lock downs. In previous years, we purchased grain-free kibble / treats for Pesach. Katie doesn’t like the grain-free...

Gluten Free Flour & Gluten Free Panko

Are these products Kosher for Passover for Sephardim / All? Many thanks! Great Value Gluten Free All Purpose Flour (Walmart Brand) Certified Gluten Free Ingredients: Brown Rice Flour, Rice Flour, Sweet Rice Flour, Tapioca Starch, Sorghum Flour, Cornstarch, Potato...