by Margie Sarway | Apr 6, 2020 | Pesach Kashering
Hi Rabbi, When Koshering the oven/stove, you are not supposed to use it for 24 hours before koshering. Can you use the stove to boil water for koshering other utensils/use oven for kosher for passover food during the 24 hour period?
by margaret dweck | Apr 5, 2020 | Pesach Kashering
do thy have to be boiled
by Gabrielle Nakash | Apr 5, 2020 | Pesach Kashering
Can these be koshered for Passover?
by David Benzaken | Apr 3, 2020 | Pesach Kashering
Hi if i bought new Keilim for Pesach but we cant even go to the Keilim Mikve due to corona. is there anything else that we cna do? maybe make a mikve with a hose or something
by Mindy Hami | Apr 2, 2020 | Pesach Kashering
Hi Rabbi, How do we kasher a hot plate (Plata) for Pesach? I use it throughout the year. Thank you, Mindy
by joyce matalon | Mar 31, 2020 | Pesach Kashering
Hello, Can a plastic blender with metal blade be made K4P? Has been used for hot soups and cold