by | Mar 23, 2021 | Pesach Kashering, Pesach Products
Hi Rabbi – can one use silicon utensils (soup stirrer, spatulas, etc. that are used directly in a pot/pan when cooking) on Pessach if they are used year-round? Same question for plastic-based kids utensils (not used directly in pot/pan but in contact with hot...
by | Mar 23, 2021 | Pesach Kashering
Hi Rabbi, How do I kosher a cast iron skillet for pesach?
by Eileen Goldschmidt | Mar 17, 2021 | Pesach Kashering
How should a stainless steel sink be kashered for pesach? Does it have to be unused for 24 hours?
by Michael Varon | Mar 16, 2021 | Pesach Kashering
I hate to admit it, but I can never remember from year-to-year all the details involved in Pesach Kashering. I thought on your website there was a web page with a “guide” outlining the basics. I wanted to print it out to use as a reference, but I...
by Karen Chera | Mar 8, 2021 | Pesach Kashering, Pesach Products
does porcelan have to be kosher for passover
by Edith Meier | Apr 8, 2020 | Pesach Kashering
Is it possible to use a hand mixer that is used throughout the year on pesach if I kasher the attachments which are full metal? The handle of course is not able to be kashered.