Hello Rabbi:
Hope you and your family are safe amidst this virus-crisis. I take this time to say thank you for your efforts in maintaining the Pesach list.
A question regarding yogurts; Why isn’t FAGE Plain Greek Yogurt acceptable for consumption during Pesach (you only allow brand Dannon on your list)? The ingredients are:
“Grade A Pasteurized Skimmed Milk and Cream, Live Active Yogurt Cultures (L. Bulgaricus, S. Thermophilus, L. Acidophilus, Bifidus, L. Casei)”
And the company claims:
- All natural
- Made with only milk and yogurt cultures
- Milk from cows that have been fed
non-GMO feed - Protein-rich
- No added sugar *
- Excellent source of calcium
- Gluten-free
- Vegetarian friendly
Kosher for Pesach for all