Comments on: Ayn Morin Ken Keeping Kosher without all the pain Fri, 21 Mar 2025 15:32:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aaron Abadi Fri, 21 Mar 2025 15:32:47 +0000 The phrase “Ayn Morin Ken” means “this is technically the law, but we don’t teach it that way.” It’s used very rarely in the Talmud, only in specific cases where teaching the halacha as-is could lead to problems.

A good example is putting on tefillin at night. The Talmud says it’s technically allowed, but we don’t teach people to do it—“ayn morin ken”—because there’s a risk someone might fall asleep while wearing them, which is improper.

So it’s really just a precaution, not a contradiction in halacha.
